verb (used without object)
to shine with or reflect a subdued, tremulous light; gleamfaintly.
to appear to quiver or vibrate in faint light or while reflectingheat waves.
a subdued, tremulous light or gleam.
a quivering or vibrating motion or image as produced byreflecting faint light or heat waves.
bef. 1100; ME schimeren, s ( c ) hemeren, OE scimrian; c. Dschemeren, G schimmern to glisten
I've been asked to contribute an image to online gallery www.shimmer.ch, the concept is 'the shimmer'. I'm trying to use imagery from my recent work in Berlin - rephotographing one of the pieces with different lighting. I've also tried a couple of pinhole images. I'm really pleased with the way the object/image becomes indistinct.